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The Graceful Harmony 5 Pure White Lilies Bouquet is a stunning floral arrangement that exudes elegance and simplicity. Featuring five immaculate white..HK$580.00 HK$578.00A Godiva Chocolate Christmas Hamper with a bottle Moet Champagne 375ml, Godiva Assorted Chocolate, Delicious Godiva Biscuits Under the law of Hong ..HK$2,160.00 HK$2,060.00Celebrate love and passion with the Enchanted Romance Two Dozen Red Roses Bouquet. Featuring 24 handpicked deep red roses symbolizing timeless devotio..HK$930.00 HK$879.00A Vase arrangement with Taiwan Orchids, Sun Flowers, Red Lily and Greeny...HK$1,030.00 HK$880.00Gift Box arrangement with One Silly Red Rose..HK$518.00 HK$478.00A bunch of Roses Bouquet with 22 roses beautifully wrapped in a brown color paper with nice packing..HK$1,730.00 HK$1,230.0018pcs Roses Bouquet, more special than send a one dozen roses bouquet..HK$979.00 HK$879.00Bring a touch of elegance and tranquility to your workspace or home with our Mini Orchid Delight. Featuring a single stem of Taiwan’s exquisite ..HK$360.00 HK$348.00You may Interest
This menu displays all Best products for customers, everyone lives the products on this page, our flowers delivery services is from 9:00am to 8:00pm Monday to Sunday
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See all specialsSee all specials1 Long Stem Premium Rose Presentation Box..HK$578.00 HK$378.0010 Gerbera Bouquet..HK$730.00 HK$630.0010 Gerberas and Chrysanthemum Bouquet..HK$780.00 HK$680.0010 Mixed Tulips Bouquet..HK$930.00 HK$880.0010 Mixed Tulips Bouquet..HK$1,130.00 HK$930.0010 Perfect Match Red Roses in Round Bouquet Red roses show elegance, beauty and cuteness. Buy this fresh &a..HK$830.00 HK$760.0010 Roses and 7 Asiatic Lily Bouquet..HK$1,080.00 HK$930.00Brighten any occasion with our stunning 10-Piece Yellow Calla Lily Bouquet, a perfect blend of elegance and charm. Each flower in this bouquet is hand..HK$1,130.00 HK$1,080.00 -
Fresh Thailand Grade A Orchids in Purple and White Color, it is good for birthday flowers, anniversary flowers and Get Well Flowers arrangement..HK$878.00 HK$778.00Perfect Match ! Purple Roses and Pink Carnations arrangement in Vase with a Purple Bow, total twelve flowers..HK$1,130.00 HK$880.0010pcs Holland Tulips Bouquet beautifully wrapped in a elegant natural color paper..HK$860.00 HK$800.00Elevate any moment with our Golden Bliss Yellow Roses Bouquet, featuring 18 radiant yellow roses paired with delicate fillers for a touch of natural e..HK$979.00 HK$879.00Send 18 Orange color of roses to her will not make her smile only, she will have a charming SMILE to you...HK$1,280.00 HK$960.0012 Mixed Color Gerberas Vase Bouquet..HK$780.00 HK$600.0012 Memorable Red Roses Bouquet..HK$980.00 HK$720.00You may Interest
This menu displays all Best products for customers, everyone lives the products on this page, our flowers delivery services is from 9:00am to 8:00pm Monday to Sunday
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10 Perfect Match Red Roses in Round Bouquet Red roses show elegance, beauty and cuteness. Buy this fresh &a..HK$830.00 HK$760.0099 Rose Bouquet with Red and Champagne Color of Rose, two tone of roses in a bouuet, flowers can be last for one week, it should for wedding and anniv..HK$1,868.00 HK$1,868.0012 Mixed Short Stem Rose Bouquet This Vase arrangement with one doze of bloomed rose in a short vase with some seasonal greenery, you can choose diff..HK$810.00 HK$720.0012 Tulips Bouquet in Orange Color..HK$1,130.00 HK$960.0018 Long Stem Premium Rose Presentation Box..HK$1,060.00 HK$930.0018pcs Pink Roses Bouquet, more special than send a one dozen roses bouquet..HK$979.00 HK$868.0018pcs Pink Roses Bouquet, more special than send a one dozen roses bouquet..HK$968.00 HK$808.0018pcs Roses Bouquet with Purple Color Match Flowers and Fillers Beautifully wrapped with Light Brown Color Papers..HK$1,048.00 HK$809.002 Asiatic Lily Bouquet..HK$530.00 HK$430.00Want to make a unique statement? Send a bouquet of purple roses. This soft royal hue boasts a sweet elegance when made into one of our signature bou..HK$1,130.00 HK$1,060.0020 Stems Red Roses in a Round Gift Box The more the merrier! Having many fully-bloomed, mesmeric roses held together marvellously is a divine sight..HK$1,068.00 HK$968.0024 Long Stem Roses Bouquet..HK$1,170.00 HK$960.003 Rose Bouquet..HK$578.00 HK$478.0038 Rose Arrangement in Crystal Vase..HK$1,330.00 HK$1,080.004 Oriental Pink Lily Vase Bouquet..HK$660.00 HK$560.0048 Premium Rose..HK$1,830.00 HK$1,430.006 Rose Box..HK$880.00 HK$780.0099 Red Rose Style Bouquet (This product is a soap flowers) Rose bouquets come in a variety of colors and are used to convey many different meani..HK$1,879.00 HK$1,158.0010 Perfect Match Red Roses in Round Bouquet Red roses show elegance, beauty and cuteness. Buy this fresh &a..HK$830.00 HK$760.0099 Rose Bouquet with Red and Champagne Color of Rose, two tone of roses in a bouuet, flowers can be last for one week, it should for wedding and anniv..HK$1,868.00 HK$1,868.0012 Mixed Short Stem Rose Bouquet This Vase arrangement with one doze of bloomed rose in a short vase with some seasonal greenery, you can choose diff..HK$810.00 HK$720.0012 Tulips Bouquet in Orange Color..HK$1,130.00 HK$960.0018 Long Stem Premium Rose Presentation Box..HK$1,060.00 HK$930.0018pcs Pink Roses Bouquet, more special than send a one dozen roses bouquet..HK$979.00 HK$868.0018pcs Pink Roses Bouquet, more special than send a one dozen roses bouquet..HK$968.00 HK$808.0018pcs Roses Bouquet with Purple Color Match Flowers and Fillers Beautifully wrapped with Light Brown Color Papers..HK$1,048.00 HK$809.00
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Wishes do come true, by the basketful, actually. This delightful arrangement is so full of sunny blossoms, it even includes a pretty yellow butterfly ..HK$1,160.00 HK$1,030.00Flowers congratulation for Grand opening, office removal flowers, New shop opening and all others purpose..HK$1,960.00 HK$1,310.00Mummy, You are number ONE, send a bunch of pink colors carnations bouquet to her on her special day, remember to day Happy Mothers Day to her after re..HK$800.00 HK$700.00Flower arrangement for Congratulations, office Removal, Exhibition, Concert, Shop Opening, Office Opening..HK$2,080.00 HK$1,280.00Spray Rose and Chrysanthemum Bouquet..HK$760.00 HK$680.00Birthday Packing - 2907 Birthday Package - Rose Bouquet + Cheese Cake Flowers Bouquet : 20 Stems Rose Hand Bouquet in Round Shape Color Av..HK$1,260.00 HK$1,160.0020 Stems Dark Pink Color Tulips in Bouquet beautifully wrapped with Pink Ribbon. Pink Tulips are one of the world`s most admired flowers. Deliver you..HK$1,330.00 HK$1,130.00Oriental , gerbera and roses bouquet..HK$860.00 HK$780.00Most Popular Product of Flowers
Best Sell in our Shop for Wine Taster, fruity Red wine of Don Leon from Spain Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or s..HK$408.00 HK$308.00Ballerina..HK$830.00 HK$780.0099 Red Rose Style Bouquet (This product is a soap flowers) Rose bouquets come in a variety of colors and are used to convey many different meani..HK$1,879.00 HK$1,158.00Offer your condolences in a most memorable way and show that you will never forget with this peaceful arrangement. Sympathy Flowers arrangement with s..HK$1,480.00 HK$1,330.00Elevate your gifting game with our stunning bouquet of one dozen red roses elegantly arranged in a clear glass vase. This exquisite floral ensemble ca..HK$860.00 HK$760.00Baby Breath Bouquet, A very special Korea Style Bouquet, good for birthday, anniversary, celebration..HK$1,160.00 HK$960.0030 Stalks Light Pink Color Tulips wrapped in black color papers. Bouquet of Flowers wrapped in black paper will show your tender feelings to your spe..HK$1,860.00Gift Boutique fruit gift box is made of 8 types of fresh fruits, including(about 8-10 pcs): oriental pomelo, Japanese Aomori Apple, dragon fruits, cry..HK$2,860.00 HK$2,560.00Champagne, Veuve Clicquot Brut Yellow Label NV Under the law of Hong Kong, intoxicating liquor must not be sold or supplied to a minor in the cours..HK$879.00 HK$865.00Five pieces of White color lilies bouquet, send pure white flowers to someone u love..HK$780.00 HK$730.00A Vase arrangement with 12 Red Roses and 12 White Roses beautifully arranged in a clear Glass Vase, Choose Mixed Color if you want to send the same st..HK$1,200.00 HK$1,100.00Kee Wah uses only the finest ingredients to satisfy our discerning customers top grade yolks, premium lotus seeds, pure peanut oil. Most importantly, ..HK$658.00 HK$538.00